Monday, March 20, 2017

A Bit Disrepsectful

March 17th, 2017

Dear President Trump,

I often hear something. Listen to it again. Get a transcript so I can read it. I guess I tend to "ponder". Perhaps it is because my personal snap decisions have not turned out so swell.

When you publicly said at the Tennessee Rally that you wanted to go with the original order, but everyone said no, do you think that was a bit disrespectful to those cabinet members you have chosen to offer council? I certainly do.

Since you said it publicly,  I believe you owe them a public apology. So will you please?



Almost Afraid to Mention This

March 18th 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I almost afraid to mention this. I hope I don't regret it. So far you have tweeted nothing about Donna Brazile and that makes me proud. That gives me hope that you don't feel the need to  say "I told you so."  Her actions speak volumes. Just be quiet and let the stand alone.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Dear President Trump and KelliAnne Connaway

Dear President Trump and Kellyanne Conway,

Today I saw you, Mz Conway, in an interview saying  how important Twitter is for the President to reach the public. How about the reverse? I often "tweet" things to the very busy President. I am truly a Forgotten American and every unanswered tweet reminds me of it.

 No, I am not saying anyone should be responding to all the tweets he must receive. However, if one really wants you and the President to know what they are concerned about what method are they suppose to use? People keep warning me that I say "too much". Shouldn't someone care what people think about good or bad? 

I will keep asking, explaining and leaving a trail that shows I tried. It proves that I care. It says "hey I am here and still invisible."

I am nothing special. Just someone who pays their taxes, takes care of things and thinks that being heard is not too much to ask. I seem to keep proving the point that if you don't have a billion dollars, you don't have a say.

Still I write.

I Shouldn't be Surprised

Dear President Trump,

I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. If I posted something like Loretta Lynch posted, I wonder if I would be in trouble.

Here is just a bit about that. I don't know if Jeff Sessions is investing this, but I think someone should. If a forgotten American posted this I would think that there would be serious consequences. Calling for blood in streets?

Do something.

Hey Mr. President Trump

Maybe you take a listen and enjoy this little musical interlude.  You could learn a little something from this. Let's move forward instead of wallowing around in the same old place. Shake it off and get tax reform done. You don't have to be so reactive! Close the door today and just get work done without any comments, tweets, or statements. My Mom, would say, just shake it off, focus and do your homework! I know you work hard, can you try doing it quietly?




Friday, March 17, 2017


Dear President Trump,

I am not sure how to solve the problem, and yet I can clearly see the problem. There must be a logical, civil way to approach the whole "resistance" issue.

I would like to know what the Democrats are resisting. It would appear to me that it is just "everything". So I spend a few hours trying to read through how to impeach a Senator and what are impeachable offenses. I only wish I could afford an attorney to check it all out and see if it really time to clean house.

One of the most interesting impeachable reasons was treason. The dictionary definition of treason is " the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government". 

If I take that to the broadest term, I wonder if some of this resistance and lack of showing up for votes comes close to crossing the line. It really seems like there should be a way to fire people who simply resist doing their job. "In the real world" this simply wouldn't be allowed, why   should it be allowed in government?

What do you think?


Thursday, March 16, 2017

President Trump! Take your own advice!

 March 13,2017

Dear President Trump,

I have to say I was shocked with your tweet today! I mean I am not sure if someone else didn't sneak it and put it there. After all the mean things you have said about others, this tweet lacks sincerity.

Mar 13
It is amazing how rude much of the media is to my very hard working representatives. Be nice, you will do much better!

Tennessee Rally


 Mr. President,

Apparently I have a lot of thoughts about the Tennessee Rally. The more I thought about it and the second time I watched it, I got even more frustrated.

I appreciate the little history lesson on President Jackson. I cannot quite figure out if you can say anyone is great and NOT add that you think you are a lot like them. Please try to pay someone, anyone, a compliment without associating back to how great you are. Allow us to draw that line if and when we see it, please.

We know that you hate the press. We are aware that you think they are liars. We have been informed enough times. We are smart enough to remember, and discern fake news. Give us some credit.

It was alright that a protester got in. If you had eyes in back of your head you would have seen your crowd watching closely to see what was going on that direction. The cameras stay on you and live crowd wandered.

Now, I have a question for you and frankly, I would appreciate an answer. How much did it cost the tax payers to have that rally. Secret service, event, transportation, don't leave out a penny. How much did it cost?



Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Please say it's not so!

I saw this headline today and really I just wanted to scream!


White House working on new transgender bathroom guidelines
With all the problems we have in the world I can't imagine that where someone uses the restroom is a big deal. I just really don't get it. If the whole thing is that you are worried that your child may be exposed to something go in with your child and keep the child safe. If you have a problem with transgender people in general, ignore them and take care of business.  Seriously, this is giving me a headache to even think that tax dollars and time are being spent on this "crap". (okay this turned into a rant ~ I may as well finish it like one.



Witches Really?

Dear Mr. President,

I can not say I really know anything about witches, but I seem to remember being taught that they were not friendly and full of light. When I first saw the story that witches were gathering to put a curse on you I thought it was a joke.

So I did a little research and one of posted examples made me laugh. I am assume she was not an experienced witch. She was trying to read the directions of how to place the curse from her phone.  I don’t think her attempt was very accomplished.

I am trying to decide if witches are concerned is that a good thing or bad thing?

Interesting though.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Two Cabinet Members, is that a record?


I really have not been keeping track, because the need for the Democrats to drag their feet bothers me. Actually, I am also tired of you comparing how many President Obama had at this point. It seems petty. I would rather be done talking about the past, and comparing the past and move forward.

Anyway, it is nice that two of your picks got approved today. It is getting closer.


Fake News Challenge

ENOUGH! I have a challenge for you. Yes I am sincere and I would truly appreciate it if you would and your entire staff would take it seriously.

Could you please try and go 5 days without using the term fake news? We are not ignorant. We are able to decipher fake news. It has gone from informative, annoying, to now unbelievable. It has been said so many times it now longer has value.



Day 24 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

You forgot Valentines Day *

Dear President Trump,

According to my grandson, you forgot Valentines Day. Apparently he sent you a valentine and was expecting one in return. We talked about how busy you are and that you don't even get to open your own mail. That didn't seem to make him happy either.

He wants to know if you at least gave your family Valentines. I said, we can ask, but really no one cares what we thing but each other.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Fake news isn't new *

Dear Mr. President,

Fake News is not new. It's been around forever. Tabloids and political opponents have used it for years. You may want to give us, the American people a little credit. We just might be very good at pointing out fake news and figuring it out ourselves.

Let's not go so excited about what has always been and will always be a problem. With a free society comes fake news.

Just sayin'


Day 22

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Good Morning Mr. President,

Sadly I have much to say today. I once again, believe it is important for you to understand what the “forgotten Americans” may be thinking. I believe my opinions are valid and should be heard. I believe you would be a better President if you would really read these.

Your speech this morning was powerful. With that being said your tone went from confident to egotistical. I don’t believe you have valid proof that you are the best person to understand and evaluation the polls. Statements like these sound like a boastful child to me. In fact, I turned to my husband and said “I fear he is beginning to sound like Elizabeth Warren and that is a problem.”

Surrounding yourself with brilliant competent people is an excellent idea. Inferring that you are smarter than all of them in egotistical and probably totally incorrect.

I often say to my grandchildren “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should, and you are never exempt from the consequences.” I think perhaps you should make a little sign and put that on your desk.

Let’s talk about the word “but”. It is human nature to disregard whatever the speaker said before using the word but. Please try and replace it with and.

And now, Mr. President Trump, here is a little side note to my critics who say my letters, posts, or whatever you want to call them are a total waste of time. While it’s true, you may never read any of these. Still my family, my grandchildren will live with the consequences of your Presidency. I want them to know that I was not silent. I want them to know that everyone has value and should be heard.

I hope and pray today you make good decisions and learn more about humility.

Day 21
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Tweet, tweet, tweet *

Dear President Trump,

As an official Forgotten American I never want to hear these words again.

Feb 9

You take something to the attorneys before you sign it into an executive order, not after. You are not all knowing. While I understand the drag to get your cabinet up and running is not something you can control, you have the means to seek and take good advice.

I am seriously irritated.



Salutations *

 Feb 17


Oh Mr. President, what I find most striking today is that we have a broken congress and justice system. Something truly needs to change. There should be a loss of wages for representatives who don't show up for votes and drag their feet, especially when you REALLY need the help of a full cabinet. It can only make things better.

So talk to the legal department and see if there is something you can do with a phone and a pen to make them lose wages for not working, just like I do.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Have I turned into Hillary? *

Dear President Trump,

This morning I was listening to all the chatter about tapping phones. I don't know if they tapped your phones or the phones of the people who were calling. I don't see how talking and tweeting about it helping the Forgotten Americans at all. As for this forgotten American, I am sad to say, like Hillary. ""What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"



Day 50

Step Back *

Hello President Trump,

Can we have some great news that you don’t take credit for? Perhaps it is just a matter of semantics.  Allow me to explain. Let’s say “John Doe”, a member of your cabinet does  a spectacular job on something.  Can you give that person credit WITHOUT referring to yourself.

“John Doe gave a great speech today. Thank you.”

“The White House staff works so very hard. Thank you.”

Not “my” pick or “my” choice or “I” am.

Step back.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

“alternative facts”

I really have tried to stay away from this one, but it is stuck in my craw.  I just can not help it. I keep falling back to this phrase over and over. I really don’t like the term.  A fact does not leave room for many interpretations. It is what it is.  Opinions about the fact can be vastly different.

I believe the “alternative fact” means nothing more than a lie. If there is one giant black mark in this presidency thus far I would say it is this term. Please never use it again.

The forgotten American

Are you still running for President? (day 15) *

Dear President Trump,

Today on twitter you reminded us all that you were having a rally. My husband said something that struck me kind of funny. It also had some truth to it. “He already won the Presidency. Why is he still having rallies. Should he be working on taxes and healthcare?”

I said well maybe is running for the election 4 years from now. My husband had an interesting thought. “What happens if the Republicans, Democrats and Independents don’t want him as their candidate?” Then I had an aha moment. Well, then I guess he has to start now to tell everyone to write in his name and hope the electoral college things work that way.

So are you running your campaign for the”next” election? 


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Don't Let the Drug Companies Win ~ President Trump (day47) *

The new healthcare bill needs some work. It is very clear to me that lobbyist from were at the table and paying well. There must be some negotiation and tweaks made to this plan or we are no better than we were before.

Here are a couple big misses. Insurance access across state lines need to happen. Something must be done to stop the rising costs of medications.  When just one of the monthly prescriptions (out of the 7 that keep him alive) cost more than the check he gets for the disease that disabled him.

President Trump ~ this is not what you promised~ fix it.



Monday, March 6, 2017

Mr. President, Can you? (14) *

So the tweet today is

" Feb 2
If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view - NO FEDERAL FUNDS? "

My question is do you run this by staff to see if you actually have the power to make that happen? I am saying that I disagree or agree, but I am not even sure you have the legal power to back the up. Do you know there are rules?



(Day 14)

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Day 23 President Trump ~ Please listen *


I keep watching, writing and attempt to be a voice of reason. I have now forced my husband to pretend to read my posts so I feel like I have been heard. I am afraid this is going to be a very long four years.

I don't mind that you played golf with the Ambassador. I mind what you tweeted.

"Being the best golfer of all the rich people" does not impress me much, President Trump. The rich get richer and the poor get ignored. I do not see that changing at all. Since you acknowledge the rich people are doing fine, do you have a plan for the working poor?

This all reminds me of a call I got during your campaign for office. It was getting close to the end and I got an automated call saying that you "Donald Trump" needed me to send $1000.00 immediately. It showed that "you" are completely ignorant of what $1000.00 means to the working poor of the United States.



Sunday, March 5, 2017

Good Morning Mr. President, *

I think your pick was a good one last night. Now if you would go talk nice to the Democrats in the Senate so perhaps things can go smoothly. In fact, maybe you should apologize for calling Chuck names on Twitter and ask him to do what is best for the country. I know apologizing is not your strong suite, so perhaps this is a good thing to practice, because everyone makes mistakes and should be able to offer and appropriate apology.

I believe it would be a good day to stop using the pen and ask our representatives to do their job. I know that I don’t understand how it all works. I do know that if I skipped meetings and votes at my job, I would be fired. I have a hard time understanding why they get paid when they are not there. I don’t know how to change things because they are in charge of all their own wages (which they receive forever, insurance, which they receive forever) but it seems like it needs to be fixed. They get paid to cause chaos and not do their jobs. Maybe someone should work on that HUGE issue.

Day 13
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Lifestyle Reality Check, Mr. President (10) *

Let’s do a little reality check. I think this would be interesting President Trump. I wish today every member of your family would take this little quiz today and play name that price. It something we do in our family occasionally. It is a list of things to keep our home afloat and help of asses our budget.
Without looking anything up, just off the top of your head, how much does it cost?
$______ package of toilet paper
$_______ loaf of bread
$_______pound of hamburger
$_______ bottle of shampoo
$_______ gallon of milk
$_______ toothpaste
$______ butter
$_______ head of lettuce
$_______ 3 large tomatoes 

Day 10


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Day 8 ~Hello Mexico *

Dear Mr. President Trump,

I could be wrong, but I don't think this tweet is going to help Mexico feel like we can work together on anything.

Mexico has taken advantage of the U.S. for long enough. Massive trade deficits & little help on the very weak border must change, NOW!

I doubt this will encourage them to pay for a wall or even visit with you!

Be nice.


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President Trump, did you think it through? *

Dear President Trump,
This appears to be an organized mess. I  completely understand that we need to know who is coming into our country. However, I cannot imagine it was thought through before it was signed. (Democrats - we need a Secretary of State to help with these kind of decisions.) I am hopeful that the people who are being detained are treated with kindness and respect. I doubt they had any idea that they wouldn't be meeting people and leaving the airport.

President Trump, did you  anticipate the that people would be on planes with no knowledge what you had signed? Did you have a plan? Was this Executive order well thought out? I, Miss Forgotten American, would like to know.


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Day 9

Wake up Chuck Schumer and Donald Trump *

It appears to me that it’s time for our politicians and entertainment “stars” to grow up and help or if they can’t do that get out of the way. I guess I will start at the top.

Mr. President, even a kindergarten child is aware that calling people names is wrong. You cannot seem to grasp the concept. Again, you called someone a name on twitter. Let me try again to make this clear, even if you are the President of the United States of America calling someone names is inappropriate. Please stop doing it, right now. Are we clear?

Mr. President, you need a cabinet. Could you please politely negotiate so you have the counsel you need to make decisions (even executive orders). It is not about just you, it is about US, the American people. Please make that your highest priority.

Chuck Schumer, please stop fighting simply to create chaos. You are leaving the President of the United States on his own to make very important decisions to simply stall. Does that actually sound reasonable and does it feel like what you are getting paid for? Perhaps with a little more help he would make decisions that you might agree with. Again it is not all about you either, it’s about us, the American people.

Now if you brag about wanting to blow up the White House there should be serious consequences. I think the only thing she understands is money. So fine her so much that her lifestyle has to change and I would happy to help you find a use for the money for the forgotten Americans. Or put her in prison. It may seem extreme and probably can’t happen, but a girl can dream.

I find myself getting frustrated, angry and feeling invisible. So now I am not just forgotten I am invisible and cranky. Neither side seems to care.

So today, Day 12, thanks for nothing.

Day Six - Dear President Trump *


I couldn't help but notice the tweet.

"Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders. Full speech from today :

You make it sound like we have not had any control. Please don't disrespect the officers that have been doing a good job protecting our boarders. People other than yourself are working hard too!



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Hello - Day 7 *

Dear President Trump,

It seems like the meeting with the Prime Minister went well today. It is nice to know that perhaps we have a working relationship with Britain.
I am not sure what is up with you and President Enrique Peña Nieto. I have to assume that talking is good even if things are not settled. It is clearly something that I will be watching.

Tomorrow is the planned telephone conversation with Putin. I am hopeful that you will be slow to anger and make wise decisions. We are counting on you. Please be mindful.

Thank you,

(Day 7)

Stop the brouhaha ! Day 3 *

Dear President Trump,

I decided that I need to more if I expect you to do your best. So I called the school and upped the number of hours that I am a volunteer tutor. I would consider helping children get an education would be part of “making America great again.”

Yesterday I would have like to skip all the brouhaha about how many people there were at the inauguration. Please just let the petty stuff go. There is so much more to do than try and create a popularity contest. You already won the election.

The swearing in was nice. Everyone seemed pleased. Today let’s you and I be kind and let go the things that don’t matter. Let’s not be petty or point out the faults of others.

Have a great day.


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Dear President Trump ~ Day Four *

Good morning. Last night I watched, again, the piece on your meeting with business leaders. Here’s what stuck out to me Miss Forgotten American.

What are the actual numbers on the taxes? Those numbers are concrete. They are not 32 more like 35. There is an actual number. Please have some of the staff do the research so you present the actual numbers instead of an educated guess.

My challenge to you on this busy day is to stop talking about who did or did not watch the inauguration or how popular you are or are not. It does not matter and it looks pathetically petty.

I’ll be watching. Have a good day.

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President Trump Be My Hero Day 5 *

Donald, be my hero for a day ~ Day 5
I would love it if you would be my hero for a day! There are just a few things that would really stand out and be refreshing.

Be brave and have a theme song for the nation today. I would like to suggest a song Written, composed and produced by Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, and John Shanks. I think it would be an olive branch to some people who are not expecting it. I think it would catch the celebrity crowd off guard. I believe it would be interesting and I think the message is good.

Now the second thing I believe is simply the right thing to do, and I think it would be very hard for you personally. I truly believe it would settle some annoying chatter and some bickering. Come out with one final statement and then “let it go”. Here is the statement. “I would have won the popular vote if more people had voted for me. End of story.”

Thanks and have a great day,

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Senators and Income Day 16 *

I find myself with some sleepless nights wondering how the government works, or doesn’t work. The base salary for a senator with no “special duties” is $174,000. No where was I able to find an actual job description for the duties. I find that odd. I think that should be somewhere for us to know what is truly expected of them. (If you can find it please send me a link.)

Now I have a broader question. I did learn that it cost a representative no postage to send me a snail mail reply. Of course, I am certain that no one would reply and if a reply ever came it would be from a staff member, but I am thinking of trying a little experiment. I think it is important time for the representatives to be on alert and paying attention. Actually, I would appreciate if they worked for their pay.

So Mr Trump, Can you explain it to me?



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Day 11 Mr. President *

So you fired someone. Maybe it had to be done. You do however need legal council and the senate does not seem to be willing to help you with any of that. It is time to be humble and negotiate because you made promises that need to be kept. Let me be clear. You can not do this alone. You might be a wonderful man, and still you need "us". You can't lead a country if there is not a country to lead.  The tension is growing and it is not good. Reality check! Do something different.



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Hey Mr. President Trump (day 27)

Please say it's not so! (day 34)

Mr. President,

I saw this headline today and really I just wanted to scream!
White House working on new transgender bathroom guidelines.

With all the problems we have in the world I can't imagine that where someone uses the restroom is a big deal. I just really don't get it. If the whole thing is that you are worried that your child may be exposed to something go in with your child and keep the child safe. If you have a problem with transgender people in general, ignore them and take care of business.  Seriously, this is giving me a headache to even think that tax dollars and time are being spent on this "crap". (okay this turned into a rant ~ I may as well finish it like one.



(Originally posted February 19th, 2017)
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Dear Mr. President, (day 19)

I want to talk about me! I want to talk about the things that matter most to me. In the political arena I believe the wall comes after the tax reform. Seriously because they can still go under and over any wall, so that is not my top concern. Yes you made a promise and yes you have to keep it, but not right now.

On my personal level let’s talk dollars and cents. My power and gas bill, which has to be paid so I can work and have heat is $1234.87. So do I pay them and keep working or just plain give up? You see this is what “forgotten Americans” worry about everyday. How to feed the family, keep a roof overhead, pay the taxes and such. Just a reminder of what we are worrying about. Do these kind of things ever cross your mind?


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President Trump, you need help! (day 32)

Dear President Trump,

Seriously, "YOU NEED HELP!" I can make this simple. Your off the cuff and explosive tweet

"Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!" and then you just kept going.

Had you called me and chatted you could have avoided all this drama. I offered my help and clearly you need it. Yup, you need a grandma, a regular old forgotten American, me, to help.

Silence speaks volumes and you let several bad tweets just hang there.

Stupid is as stupid does. (respectfully)

Grade "F" on communication.


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Friday, March 3, 2017

Dear President Trump, Day Two

Dear President Trump,

I think you may have overstated what you could actually do as President, and I  hope that you prove me wrong.

I gave myself a little reality check. Many of my “dreams” could come true for the price of just one of the gowns that was worn at one of your inaugural balls. I wonder, Mr. President Trump, if you are really aware of this.

I have a job and have worked my entire life. What do I have? Bills. Do you know what we exist? There are many of us who live from paycheck to paycheck. I feel very forgotten and ignored. You have the power and the money to change my life. It is what you often refer to as peanuts. What can you do for us, me? Time will tell.

Now on to other important things. I have been watching the hearings for the cabinet choices. The congress men and women are rude and out of control. Their questions rarely reflect my concerns. Please advise them to “stop being rude”.

I heard you say you are going to keep tweeting. It’s your prerogative. Please use it wisely and avoid petty fights and name calling. It is unseemly and unnecessary. Don’t take the bait. As you put it “Don’t be rude.”

Have a great day,

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Originally posted Jan 21 Niume

Dear President Trump ~ Day One! *

Originally posted on January 20th 2017 (Niume)

I had written several posts while you were President Elect and I have decided to continue to do so. I don’t expect that you will take the time to read them, but I suppose it will be a good record of how someone from “middle America” might view what is or was happening.

Is it worth my time? Journaling life experiences always has value. If the value is only to me as I see how I change or grow, so be it. If others choose to read it and want to share or teach me something, so be it. How long will it go on? It’s a mystery.

Now, like many people in the United States I can not take a day off to watch the festivities. I have set the television to record. I will continue my thoughts after a full day of work and watching the recording. ….
I have completed my work day. Now I am going to read the Inauguration Speech. I am going to read it because in writing the only tone that will be inflicted is my own. Then after I read it I will watch the recording.
Plan B. I read it. I want to go to sleep with my interpretation. I will check out your tone tomorrow. 

Sleep well Mr. President. You’ve had a long day.

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