Sunday, March 5, 2017

Good Morning Mr. President, *

I think your pick was a good one last night. Now if you would go talk nice to the Democrats in the Senate so perhaps things can go smoothly. In fact, maybe you should apologize for calling Chuck names on Twitter and ask him to do what is best for the country. I know apologizing is not your strong suite, so perhaps this is a good thing to practice, because everyone makes mistakes and should be able to offer and appropriate apology.

I believe it would be a good day to stop using the pen and ask our representatives to do their job. I know that I don’t understand how it all works. I do know that if I skipped meetings and votes at my job, I would be fired. I have a hard time understanding why they get paid when they are not there. I don’t know how to change things because they are in charge of all their own wages (which they receive forever, insurance, which they receive forever) but it seems like it needs to be fixed. They get paid to cause chaos and not do their jobs. Maybe someone should work on that HUGE issue.

Day 13
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