Saturday, July 15, 2017

Tired of Repeating Myself

Dear President Trump,

Jul 7
I will represent our country well and fight for its interests! Fake News Media will never cover me accurately but who cares! We will !

I am so tired of repeating myself, my head hurts. There is someone who cares about "Fake News" and quite frankly, at this point it is only  you. You are the one that keeps beating the drum. Stop the attack and fake news and get on with business. If you have attack something or someone, make it someone who is not helping to get the legislation passed. You made a lot of promises that are not being kept because you can not seem to get on board with congress. We don't care about fake news, we care about results and legislation. We are not falling for the distraction. It is making us angry and frustrated.

Who cares about fake news? YOU. 

Lopeta tuo



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