Sunday, July 30, 2017

Things Have Changed

July 30th

Dear President Trump,

This is a very tough day for me. When I began this project I believed or was at least hopeful that I would be pleased with all the great things your administration would be doing. Instead your administration has turned into a really poor reality show. Since you are the President it's time for you to get real and stop playing games and distract from the real issues. The American people expect better of you.

I want you to understand what I have been taught and how I deal with respect. Respect is a gift. I freely give it to EVERYONE. We are all human and that is enough to deserve respect. Actions determine if people want the gift or if they don't appreciate the respect. Sadly, you have lost my respect, not by one single action, but a series of behaviors.

I write everyday, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise that  I am watching and I care deeply about what is happening in our country. The way you disrespect those you should be working with publicly show a lack of respect and character. You send people out with a message and then switch the message with a tweet.

You talk about witch hunts. Tell people to avoid even the appearance of wrong doing and that solves most of the issues. (Don't have meetings to dig up dirt on people.)

Jeff Sessions is not your personal attorney. Jeff Sessions is here for the country. His job is to keep order for all of us, not just you, your family and those on your payroll.Please stop treating him like you own him. You made a good choice by appointing him. Get out of his way, support him and show  some loyalty.

The most recent LEAKER, Anthony Scaramucci, must be fired. He called a reporter and spouted off before he was in a week. What he did was LEAK and in a very vulgar manner. You get zero respect from me until he is gone. If this is whom you trust to "direct communications" there is nothing good to say to the Americans who elected you or even to those who didn't elect you, but are supporting you as president.

The wall you "have built" is a huge one and it stands between you and the people who were really trying to respect and support you. Anything I write now will have the same sign off.

Let Anthony Scaramucci return to Wall Street. Treat people with respect,


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