Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Jobs are good

March 28th

Dear President Trump,

Jobs are good. Glad things are moving along. I don't know that I am willing to hand you all the credit, still happy things are looking up in that area.

Keep it simple,


Can anyone give me an answer?

May 29th

Dear Mr. President,

It has been a long hard day full of many emotions. I suppose it is that way for many. I visited Mom’s grave and left some flowers. I watched the placing of the wreath that you did.(nicely done) I watched the ceremony for fallen soldiers at our local cemetery. (They still can get the flag right, but I give up.)

I had some concerns about a commercial I saw. I tried to discuss with my husband, a veteran, that was not a good idea. It was a commercial asking for donations so the soldiers had the right kind of camouflage. I said, doesn’t the military issue that?

He went off on a tyrade. “Yes, when you enlist but when they wear out you have to make the purchase.” Since he served in Vietnam era I am guessing things may have changed. I don’t know. I do find it odd that there is commercial that is requesting donations to purchase the right color for the soldiers.

I am asking a real question, Is this true? Do we not provide the soldiers with the correct uniforms they need when they need them?  This is an open question. Anyone can let me know the answer. It is important to me.



Friday, May 26, 2017

Pondering and Wondering

Dear President Trump

There has been quite a lot of chatter about Robert S. Mueller III as special counsel for the Russia investigation. It seems to me that the term "other related matters" is very loose and undefined. First of all he is suppose to investigate the election.

Thinking in very loose terms, there were a whole lot of allegations. Based on all the pictures we have seen every congress person has been with someone from Russia at some time. Most billionaires have had some transactions with a Russian company. Seth Rich, the person who gave information to Wiki leaks was murdered (still unsolved). Was it Russia who told Donna Brazile to give Hilary the questions? There are so many theories that I can see spinning and I have not even mentioned Comey. This could drag on for years in the other related category. Hope not!

Pointing out the faults of others

March 27th,

Dear Mr President,

Here is what brought up this particular subject today.

Mar 27
Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech....

...money to Bill, the Hillary Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. !
Pointing fingers at other peoples faults just makes you look petty and guilty. It is a playground tactic that simply does not work, at all.
My Mom once told me when people were being unkind and deceitful that the best thing I could do is ignore them and be true to myself. You are certainly "full of yourself" so I assume this could be easy for you if you would try it. Just do what needs to be done and ignore the others. 
You don't need to watch television. You have people who give briefings everyday of things you need to know for your job, other than that, give it a rest.

I Really Want to Like You

March 26th

Dear President Trump,

President Trump, I really want to like you. It is becoming more and more difficult. Everyday I try and find five great things I can say about you. It is not easy. Today I have nothing, zero, not one! Maybe it is because I see you as the most self-centered person on the planet. Please try these two words “humble” and “kind”. 



Thursday, May 25, 2017

It is Turning into a Shrug

May 25th

Dear President Trump,

You are away and for the past two days I have heard over and over that children will die because of the "proposed" budget. I think a month ago I would have been outrage. Now that I am worn down, I rarely even examine the information if a Democrat is speaking. I just assume they are practicing resistance. If a Republican, Independent or ordinary unaffiliated citizen says anything, they spew hate.

Today I will address the mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio.  

Mayor Bill de Blasio, I assume your remarks today about some children dying referred to a potential loss of food stamps. Let me be perfectly clear.

Children will starve to death only if you great people in New York City are allowing people to starve to death.

In my community we don't let that happen. We have food banks, churches, citizens, teachers, neighbors and a full civilized community who refuse to let children starve. We feed them. It doesn't matter what the government does or does not do. We feed them.

So Mayor Bill de Blasio I am calling you out. If children in your city are starving to death it's on you. Stop parading around on tv and feed your people. Charity begins with you.

So President Trump, how did I do?

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

We MUST worry

March 31st

President Trump,

We have to worry. You can stop saying "don't even worry about it", because it is not in your power to grant everything you promised or that we want and desire.

Nothing has been done that gives me a tax break. We don't have a new working healthcare plan. I really don't care about a wall, I care about getting the problem under control.

So while you may have done many things, so far nothing that effects me personally. So could you do something that makes my life better?


President Trump ~ I told you so

March 24

I told you so. Don’t make promises you cannot keep. “I will try” is a much more honest message. It is not that the healthcare didn’t bill didn’t pass today- it is that it was not allowed to go up for a vote because you knew it wouldn’t pass. That also means the people who are supposed to representing us - didn’t have to vote. So they can now say “I would have voted for it.” Where I grew up we call this chicken shit.


Monitoring Terrorism

March 22

Dear President Trump,

I don't know if you have seen the commercial where they talk about being a "monitor" rather than someone who fixes the problem.

Today there was another terrorist attack. It was in London and again it was someone that was "being monitored". It seems to me that most of the time these people who commit the acts are on lists and "on radar". I feel like that means nothing. What's the point of monitoring if they are successful at committing acts of terror? The question is rhetorical. I am just ever so frustrated.

Thanks for listening,


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

You are correct - so stop WHINING

April 16th,

Dear President Trump,

This was your tweet

"No matter how much I accomplish during the ridiculous standard of the first 100 days, & it has been a lot (including S.C.), media will kill!"

You are correct, so please stop whining about it. We are so very tired of your whining. Main stream media hates you, well then move on and stop whining. The whining does not stop them it irritates the rest of the adults on the planet. Whiners are not winners.

Let's not be two-faced! President Trump

April 16th.

Dear President Trump,

Let's begin with the tweet,

Apr 16
Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!
The election is over and you hold massive rallies. Perhaps, like you, they are thinking ahead instead of taking care of business now.

Contact who?

March 23

Today your tweet made me laugh right out loud. You suggested that we contact our representatives. I can not believe you don't understand. We have no one that represents us. We don't even have anyone that understands what the working poor are living with or for.

No one answers our phone calls. No one responds to our emails or letters UNLESS we send money then we get offers to send more. The common people are unseen, unheard and not at all represented in any way.

I write to you every day and never hear from you.



Leakers ~ get real

March 21

Dear President Trump,

Here is the thing I don't understand. How hard can it be to find the leakers? There are only so many people in a meeting. One of those or all of them are talking to someone else. In a business setting you would gather them up, give them an opportunity to bow out, fess up if no one goes for it fire them all.

Seriously, the democrats won't approve anyone anyway, so just do work arounds. At this point you can not run the government with a traditional cabinet anyway. They won't allow it.

At this point you have nothing to lose.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Get Prepared

May 19th

Dear Mr. President,

You are preparing for your first big "trip" as President. I have some suggestions.
Be grateful.
Be respectful.
Be a good listener.
Be quiet.
Be mindful that you are representing "us".
Be tolerant.
Be kind.
Be humble.
Be polite.
Good luck.


National Vietnam War Day

March 29th

Dear President Trump,

This is a very tough post for me to write because it is close to my heart and family. When the Vietnam War was happening I was very unaware. I suppose that we didn't watch much tv and my parents probably kept me sheltered from the horrors of war.

I did kind of understand the draft. You had to go. There were options about where you might end up and recruiters were good to give all those who didn't dodge the draft those options. So in our family some people choose to take an extra year to serve in Korea.

As I look at the differences I am saddened. Those who went to Korea are very bitter and each of them tried to commit suicide on several occasions, two of them succeeded. As they learned of their high school friend dying in Nam - they were still alive in Korea and had desire to be there either. The guilt and mental torment never leaves. If they didn't serve in Nam - they get no help for that mental scar. It wasn't combat related. That is a mistake. They still need the help. They went straight from high school to the service, mixed up kids and harmful adults.



Imagine - a protest in Montana

 March 19th

Dear President Trump,

I think a protest in Montana would be interesting. I don't believe most people there would put up with nonsense.

I believe that as soon as the first person showed up with a covered face or mask, the protest would stop until that was handled. I believe swift action would be taken by many.

If you are wearing a mask you know what you are doing is wrong. You are hiding your identity to avoid detection. You must not believe it what you are proclaiming. In Montana I believe that would make you a moving target and you would be used as target practice until the mask was removed.

What do you think?


Sunday, May 21, 2017

This guy is over the top, but you might like it

Hello President Trump,

I guess that today was a great day for you. Check it out.

Jobs Report

March 14

Dear Mr. President,

I think we are all happy with the jobs report. It does seem like things are moving along in that area. I am grateful for companies who are trying to be part of the solution. I know they are counting on tax reform. I sure hope they get it soon or those jobs will probably be short lived.

I Don't Get It

March 11th

I am not sure if you can't count or you just can't believe you are all powerful. The numbers are not there to pass the healthcare bill. Unless you have people deliberately miss leading the public Obamacare is here to stay and still you tweet

Mar 11
We are making great progress with healthcare. ObamaCare is imploding and will only get worse. Republicans coming together to get job done!


Health care is coming along nicely

March 9th

Dear Mr. President,

I hope this overconfidence doesn’t come back to bite you in the butt. You cannot control Congress and they are not with you on healthcare. I am afraid you are going to pair back your idea that people will agree to do things, just because you said so.

 Think about it.


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Maureen Scalia and your address

President Trump,

I am not sure why Maureen Scalia agreed to come, and I am grateful that you honored her husband. She was clearly emotional and very touched by the experience. I was impressed until ......

you had to mention something about breaking a record. Sad.


March 8th

Thursday, May 18, 2017

President Trump - you have so DISAPPIONTED me

President Trump,

Actually I am more than disappointed. I am mad as hell. I cannot believe you cannot stay off of twitter and let the Special Prosecutor prove you are innocent ~ unless you are not innocent.  That is the conclusion that your tweet screams to the American Public. I am now really  beginning to wonder.

Thanks for nothing.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Dear God, Help President Trump be quiet


It has been a huge day. A call for impeachment was spoken about on the floor. Special counsel has been assigned.

You have one job and one job only. Just be quiet.  Don't tweet.  Don't talk. The response from the White House was perfect. Just let it stand - please.

Please, don't tweet, don't talk and quietly prepare for your trip.


You planted the seeds

Today people were comparing your current situation to Watergate. As soon as I heard it I remembered your tweets referring to "McCarthyism" and then the mention of Watergate on March 4th. You planted the seeds. You gave them the ammunition.

You need help. Things are in disarray.  It appears that very thoughtful and deliberate measures are required. It is time to do something different because what you are doing is NOT working.

It is not rocket science. You need practical, well thought out advice and you need to follow it.Your attitude and loose cannon approach is leading to your downfall.

Saying like it is,


Know when to stop

March 8th

Hello President Trump,

I think it was nice to have Maureen Scalia in the gallery to hear the speech and honor her husband. I was impressed by her deep emotion. It was all good until you said something about breaking a record. The spell was broken. The self serving, get one up on the last guy, President that doesn’t impress me much. It is like you have to add unneeded and tasteless frosting on your speech.

Are you listening?


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Back to Your Speech to Congress

March 6th

Dear President Trump,

So in your speech you said “As promised, I directed the Department of Defense to develop a plan to demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men,and women, and children of all faiths and all beliefs. We will work with our allies, including our friends and allies in the Muslim world, to extinguish this vile enemy from our planet.

While I admire your enthusiasm, you may have overstated what we can control. Do you really think “extinguish” is a realistic goal? I have to wonder.

What do you think?

Thanks Trenna

Oh the drama

May 2nd

Dear Mr. President,

I think ti would be nice if we simply choose our battles a little more wisely.

Her is how a "forgotten and now ignored American looks at today's events. There was come kind of productive compromise that kept the government up and running. Any REASONABLE person knows that neither side got everything they wanted. We are not that stupid. There was no reason for either side to declare victory. Their entire job is to make the best compromises for all Americans.

Why do I have to keep pointing out the obvious and why must both sides be so arrogant?

Give everyone one a Participation Trophy ~ send them to their safe spaces and tell them to GROW UP!

You are giving me a headache

Dear President Trump,

Really, you are giving me a headache.

Mar 5
Is it true the DNC would not allow the FBI access to check server or other equipment after learning it was hacked? Can that be possible?

If you actually have a question like this, why wouldn't you ask someone who knows rather than a random tweet.

I don't have a problem with Twitter. I have a problem with people who don't think things through before they tweet it.

Mr. President, Does the shoe fit?


What are you doing?

Dear President Trump,

What are you doing?

Mar 4
Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

Here is what I think! I think you got a briefing (that we should not even know about) and you blew it up and out of proportion. You hit twitter and caused undo drama. 

I am not certain you would actually know who "ordered" whatever happened. 

Patience before tweeting would be an excellent plan!



Digging Up Pictures

March 3rd

Dear President Trump,

I can't imagine why you are spending time (or having someone else spend the time to dig up pictures to post on twitter). It seems like now everyone is making much ado about nothing. It seems like you are fueling the fire.

I am guessing there are enough real problems and situations that can be worked on instead of this nonsense. Let's just stop buying into the drama, please.



Sunday, May 14, 2017

If it takes 4 tweets...

March 2

Dearest President Trump,

If it takes 4 tweets to complete your thought, it's not a tweet. It is a press briefing. Are you familiar with the KISS method? Yesterday was so perfect and today you jumped over the edge again.

I keep trying to help. I keep trying to be positive. When will it settle down?

Please listen,


Best Tweet Ever!

March 1st

President Trump,

Today you did your best tweet ever. It simply said "Thank you". You can stop tweeting now and everything would be perfect.  I don't even care what you are thankful for. It was simply a relief!

Looking Forward to Your addressing Congress

President Trump,

I am really looking forward to your address to the Joint Session of Congress. I am hopeful that the tone will be positive. I pray there is no name calling (as you know that really bothers me.) I hope there is some general support and people let down their guard and celebrate “unity” just for a minute. I am very tired of Republican and Democrats already. We all live on the same planet, in the same country. It shouldn’t be that hard.



If they can't do the job they ge fired

February 24th

Hello President Trump,

So, if the FBI cannot find out who leaking the information, who loses their job? Who is the charge of finding the leaks? What is the issue? What have they done to try and find the problem?

If we don’t know who is giving the information away I would assume we don’t know who they are giving it and how many other “classified” items have been leaked.

Someone should be held responsible.

Of course, you have tweeted just enough that I think you should take some action, not just tweet about it.

Sanctuary Cities

February 21

I find the whole term Sanctuary Cities, an impossible and unlikely goal, unless other cities want to compete with Chicago for the highest number of shootings and deaths. Please take the time to read the entire post before you send me an angry email.

I am not implying that all or any of these serious crimes are being perpetrated by people who are  here illegally. I am saying that when a Mayor determines which laws apply in the city, that is no longer a Mayor, but a dictator of that city.

The idea that cities can pick and choose which laws the local police department will choose to follow corruption, bias, lack of order is sure to follow. There is a big difference between welcoming immigrants and welcoming illegal and undocumented immigrants.  For those cities who choose to say, “We are proud to welcome all”, they should have to foot the bill for those who are here illegally.

I really don’t want my tax dollars giving benefits to illegal immigrants. I do not want to give them food stamps and services. They don’t belong here. They are here illegally and that is a crime. I am not inhumane. They are able to go through other routes to get services who choose to help them. I assume illegals can return home.

National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster

 February 20th.

Dear President Trump,

While I believe that H.R. McMaster is a great choice for National Security Advisor, I think there will be issues. He doesn’t appear to me to be a “yes” man. It appears to me that you have issues with people who don’t agree with you completely and offer a different point of view. I will be very surprised if this great man is not replaced within a year.

I keep thinking that the “weight” of the job will eventually fall on your shoulders and you will be more willing to listen with an open mind.

Dear President Trump,

LORI MCKENNA wrote an amazing song. It is a good reminder of priorities in our lives. Tim McGraw turned it into a country hit. I can’t seem to tell people enough that this should be something that everyone should listen to often to remind them of their “spirit”. While leading our nation, making hard decisions and trying to center yourself to be serving instead of self serving I think you should listen to this song often. I have included the lyrics and a video. I think all of our leaders could use a reminder that the need to be humble is part of serving our nation.


Hold the door say please say thank you
Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie
I know you got mountains to climb but
Always stay humble and kind
When the dreams you're dreamin' come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride but
Always stay humble and kind
Don't expect a free ride from no one
Don't hold a grudge or a chip and here's why
Bitterness keeps you from flying
Always stay humble and kind
Know the difference between sleeping with someone
And sleeping with someone you love
I love you ain't no pick up line so
Always stay humble and kind
Hold the door say please say thank you
Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie
I know you got mountains to climb but
Always stay humble and kind
When those dreams you're dreamin' come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride but
Always stay humble and kind



African American History Museum

Dear Mr. President,

I think it is wonderful that you enjoyed the museum. I am glad they did a great job. I have no idea whatsoever why there is an African American History Month.  It seems as silly as having a “I am from many races, and many places and I don’t want to feel left out month.” Will there ever be a time when if you are here and legal that we can just celebrate “American”?

Saturday, May 13, 2017

President Trump Creates Fake News

May 9th

Dear President Trump,

First and foremost you owe Sarah Huckabee Sanders a sincere and public apology.  She went out and plead your case, represented you well, took the heat and then you all but disputed everything she said on your behalf. This was  MAJOR mistake in my opinion. It makes both of you look bad because at least one of you was spewing “fake news”. Either way it came from the White House so you are responsible. (This is why you need someone like me. Someone who can tell what the average forgotten American can clearly see.)

If you felt like James Comey a "showboat" why didn’t you take care of things in the beginning. You gave this man public praise and then you say things like this

"He's a showboat, he's grandstander, the FBI has been in turmoil," Trump said of Comey in his wide-ranging interview with Holt. "You know that, I know that. Everybody knows that. You take a look at the FBI a year ago, it was in virtual turmoil, less than a year ago. It hasn't recovered from that."

"I just want somebody that's competent," Trump responded. "I am a big fan of the FBI, I love the FBI."

Willy Nilly I say!
Fake News.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

I've got a song for that

Try Amazon Music Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial

Music plays a major role in my life. I can find a song for almost every possible situation. Now many will not agree with what I have to say, but I think this is a great song for Nancy Palosi to learn. She can't remember who the president is. All she really cares about is her "title" and even the Democrats admit they keep her because she's cash cow (meaning she can bring in the donations.) See I found a use for a song. Try music unlimited and you will discover all sorts of great options.

May 7th

5h5 hours ago
Republican Senators will not let the American people down! ObamaCare premiums and deductibles are way up - it was a lie and it is dead!
I really don't know why I am sitting here beating the same drum. I think maybe that has something to do with the definition of insanity and maybe I am there. 

President Trump, don't make promises for Senators. Let me speak for themselves and reap the actions of their own rewards. Lead them, guide them, and make no promises or predictions.

Now that was a speech!

March 1st

This speech began with a great tone. You make some politically correct statements to reach out to those who have been slighted. You present  a fairly optimistic in your first four paragraphs and I was happy with the general message.

Then I experienced my cringe. It came when I heard these four words that brought my heart to a quick feeling of despair “I will not allow”. I could see a flaw right there. I almost turned of the television. You are not all powerful. Statements like that belong to dictators, not elected officials of a “free country”.

You then switch to the need for changes and what you see as a wave of support. You talk about your wall. I think a wall is more symbolic than practical. (Maybe because they attache catapults to the current wall to fling over drugs.) I don’t know if we need a wall, however you promised a lot of people you were going to build one, so I guess you best.

(We’ll chat about this more, at least you have something to reflect on)


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Just Sayin’ Democrats and President Trump

Just Sayin’ Democrats and President Trump,

I am saddened. I can not believe what I am seeing and hearing. I keep hoping that one morning I will wake up and find out the nightmare has ended. If it cannot end, how about someone, anyone explaining the real purpose to me.

Here is what it looks like to me. You know how a toddler or teenager gets so angry that nothing can console them. They throw a great big fit, break everything they can and refuse to be consoled or even have the ability to speak logically. As near as I can tell this is now the platform of the Democratic Party and they call it resistance. There seem to be no grown ups in the party.

I don’t mind resistance if it is a specific resistance to specific ideas and for a reason to make things better, not just different.

I understand your feelings are hurt. So deal with it in an adult manner. The only message that I hear is “We hate Donald Trump.” We all know that. We don’t even care if you hate him. That is fine with all of us. No one needs you to like him.

So instead of pouting, name calling and simply not doing your job get busy. You have been elected to get and are being paid to work together on behalf of “the people”. “The people” funded your campaign. “The people are paying your salary - FOREVER. So a little gratitude and show up and do your job. There is a country to run you can lick your wounds or have your victory parties when you retire.

Give us legislation that makes sense. Keep the stuff that works and use it. Add or tweak to get it right.Show up. Communicate. Solve problems. Do you JOB or please just resign. The nation does not need resistance, the nation needs leadership.

So you say people will die because of this proposal. Give me specifics, facts and numbers. Educate me with respect or stop spewing the rhetoric. I am over empty statements.

I am logical. I am teachable. I am interested. I am asking. Here is your opportunity.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Really, a shooting in Chicago

February 23rd

President Trump,

Today you tweeted about a shooting in Chicago. What makes a shooting in Chicago news? It seems to be just a part of their ordinary life at this point. Things are so out of control people have turned a deaf ear. Can you blame them?

Throwing money at a problem is not the answer. Are the police afraid to enforce the law? Are the attorneys there to bring justice or create chaos and make money?

Are the judges willing to make thugs pay for their crimes?

Am I the only one asking questions?

Thursday, May 4, 2017

My Whole World Changed Today

I was on my lunch break and I got the call. My brother was on his way to the hospital in an ambulance. I went to the counter, grabbed all of his medications, put them in a bag and headed to the hospital.

This evening we have moved to the second hospital. My brother is in ICU. I am here with paper and pen trying to sort out my feelings, fears and the situation.

In a matter of minutes at the first hospital they told me he had a crushed pelvis, broken hip, punctured lung, five broken ribs and bleeding on the brain. Then it changed to a broken femur, and broken ribs. I wasn’t confident in their ability to do anything so when they said they were transferring him to another hospital I was relieved.

But here we are in ICU educating the doctors about SLE Lupus and trying to get him care. It looks like surgery, a very long recovery and a whole lot of insurance drama.

At least he is alive.

Don’t leave the door open

Feb 18th

If  you truly want to  slow down the fake news, there are some simple solutions that can help.

  1. Think before you tweet or speak.
  2. Use actual facts and concrete numbers, stop saying I think this might be …
  3. Promise only the things you can personally control
  4. Avoid vague statements
It is a simple truth you are either a part of the solution or a part of the problem. Make a choice.