Saturday, May 6, 2017

Just Sayin’ Democrats and President Trump

Just Sayin’ Democrats and President Trump,

I am saddened. I can not believe what I am seeing and hearing. I keep hoping that one morning I will wake up and find out the nightmare has ended. If it cannot end, how about someone, anyone explaining the real purpose to me.

Here is what it looks like to me. You know how a toddler or teenager gets so angry that nothing can console them. They throw a great big fit, break everything they can and refuse to be consoled or even have the ability to speak logically. As near as I can tell this is now the platform of the Democratic Party and they call it resistance. There seem to be no grown ups in the party.

I don’t mind resistance if it is a specific resistance to specific ideas and for a reason to make things better, not just different.

I understand your feelings are hurt. So deal with it in an adult manner. The only message that I hear is “We hate Donald Trump.” We all know that. We don’t even care if you hate him. That is fine with all of us. No one needs you to like him.

So instead of pouting, name calling and simply not doing your job get busy. You have been elected to get and are being paid to work together on behalf of “the people”. “The people” funded your campaign. “The people are paying your salary - FOREVER. So a little gratitude and show up and do your job. There is a country to run you can lick your wounds or have your victory parties when you retire.

Give us legislation that makes sense. Keep the stuff that works and use it. Add or tweak to get it right.Show up. Communicate. Solve problems. Do you JOB or please just resign. The nation does not need resistance, the nation needs leadership.

So you say people will die because of this proposal. Give me specifics, facts and numbers. Educate me with respect or stop spewing the rhetoric. I am over empty statements.

I am logical. I am teachable. I am interested. I am asking. Here is your opportunity.

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