Sunday, June 11, 2017

Allow me to Adjust This

Dear President Trump,

You simply don’t understand the problem or you don’t want to fix it. So let me provide you with some concrete examples that should be helpful

Despite major outside money, FAKE media support and eleven Republican candidates, BIG "R" win with runoff in Georgia. Glad to be of help!

See the copy of what you tweeted. Here is what is WRONG with his tweet. You take credit for “helping them out”. I am not saying you did not help, and it is gracious to congratulate them with no relationship to “you”. I am trying to help you out with your image.

You talk about  Fake News, which just gives them more glory, so stop it.

Here are some examples of excellent tweets for the very same thing!

Eleven Republican Candidates win, Big “R” ~ thank you GREAT AMERICANS for turning out and voting.


Great job and reaching out and getting those votes. 11 Republican Candidates WIN!

 Anything that reflects that the world does not revolve around you.



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