Sunday, September 24, 2017

For Every Solider Who Died Fighting for Us

Sunday, September 24

Dear Mr. President,

I wish you would read all of my posts and my letters to you that I write every day, because you indicated that you were there to represent me, a forgotten American. This morning I want you to read for a different reason. A 10 year old boy understands and so should everyone else.

This morning I was watching the drama over sports players disrespecting the flag. Today some went so far as to disrespect the American Flag and honor a flag of another country. I think those men should stay there. We don't need them here.

A few weeks ago my 10 year old grandson went with Grandpa and me to a rodeo. The presentation of the flag and the National Anthem is especially touching as it comes flying out on beautiful horse at a full run.

The crowd settled and the music started. I was my grandson, standing proudly with his hand over his heart and tears running down his face. I put my other arm around him and paid respect to the flag.

Everyone clapped and then as is the tradition at this rodeo, the saddled horse with no rider took a slow tour around the arena honoring all that had been lost.

It was time for the rodeo to be begin and I was drying his tears. He said,
"That song talks about the people who died so I could live here free. That flag was there after the fighting. Grandpa got to come back from the war, but many of his friends died there and he still cannot talk about it. He stands and honors the flag. It's a special song Trenna. I am sad for all the families who lost people. This song means we love and appreciate them even if we don't know their names. That is what the flag means. Of course, by then I was crying and he said the same thing I say to them  every time I leave them or put them to bed. "I love you today, tomorrow forever and always.

I don't know why the sports players choose to dishonor the symbol that commemorates the fallen soldiers and what they fought for. I have no idea what they are protesting, so if is suppose to move me to support a cause it doesn't. Their disrespect of the flag, the National Anthem, and soldiers that fought for their rights just proves that they are ignorant and disrespectful.

Even a 10 year old boy can figure that out.


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