Sunday, March 19, 2017

Dear President Trump and KelliAnne Connaway

Dear President Trump and Kellyanne Conway,

Today I saw you, Mz Conway, in an interview saying  how important Twitter is for the President to reach the public. How about the reverse? I often "tweet" things to the very busy President. I am truly a Forgotten American and every unanswered tweet reminds me of it.

 No, I am not saying anyone should be responding to all the tweets he must receive. However, if one really wants you and the President to know what they are concerned about what method are they suppose to use? People keep warning me that I say "too much". Shouldn't someone care what people think about good or bad? 

I will keep asking, explaining and leaving a trail that shows I tried. It proves that I care. It says "hey I am here and still invisible."

I am nothing special. Just someone who pays their taxes, takes care of things and thinks that being heard is not too much to ask. I seem to keep proving the point that if you don't have a billion dollars, you don't have a say.

Still I write.

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