Sunday, March 5, 2017

Wake up Chuck Schumer and Donald Trump *

It appears to me that it’s time for our politicians and entertainment “stars” to grow up and help or if they can’t do that get out of the way. I guess I will start at the top.

Mr. President, even a kindergarten child is aware that calling people names is wrong. You cannot seem to grasp the concept. Again, you called someone a name on twitter. Let me try again to make this clear, even if you are the President of the United States of America calling someone names is inappropriate. Please stop doing it, right now. Are we clear?

Mr. President, you need a cabinet. Could you please politely negotiate so you have the counsel you need to make decisions (even executive orders). It is not about just you, it is about US, the American people. Please make that your highest priority.

Chuck Schumer, please stop fighting simply to create chaos. You are leaving the President of the United States on his own to make very important decisions to simply stall. Does that actually sound reasonable and does it feel like what you are getting paid for? Perhaps with a little more help he would make decisions that you might agree with. Again it is not all about you either, it’s about us, the American people.

Now if you brag about wanting to blow up the White House there should be serious consequences. I think the only thing she understands is money. So fine her so much that her lifestyle has to change and I would happy to help you find a use for the money for the forgotten Americans. Or put her in prison. It may seem extreme and probably can’t happen, but a girl can dream.

I find myself getting frustrated, angry and feeling invisible. So now I am not just forgotten I am invisible and cranky. Neither side seems to care.

So today, Day 12, thanks for nothing.

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